Monday, October 12, 2015

My little dog

I had a great day today. Besides the little rain storm we had it was a beautiful day!!!  When its gorgeous outside I like to take my dog Nippy for walks in the park.  We go to different parks to change things up for my little guy.  He is 8 years old ans is a Chihuahua miniature pinscher mix.  Although if you ask him he as a huge bulldog lol.  he is very active and that is why I try to let him get as much exercise as possible.  Over the weekend my husband Harold and I took Nippy to Cahokia Mounds and he actually pulled me all the way up Monks Mound!!  Talk about power.  At least I know that he is a healthy little bugger.  I am not sure what we will do this weekend maybe go to his favorite park and let him run.

1 comment:

  1. I have commented on your post before about your dog but I still wanted to say how much I love the name Nippy! Having dogs can change a persons life in many ways. I am so thankful to have my two dogs!
